Annaboto Device Overview

Annaboto Device Diagram and Parts
Congratulations on becoming an Annaboto owner! Your on your way to growing plants at home like a pro! The Annaboto is a fully automated Deep Water Cultu...
Mon, 26 Jun, 2023 at 10:32 AM
User Expectations
Install the device - Think about where you will want to grow the plant inside your house.  The footprint of the device is roughly 20x20 inches. The device...
Mon, 26 Jun, 2023 at 11:24 AM
What's Included
Each Annaboto system includes- One fully automated hydroponic system  Annaboto Tripod Lamp 1 filter for odor management (one needed for each grow) 1...
Thu, 22 Jun, 2023 at 4:23 PM